FSC Will Hold Producers Meeting at AEE Thursday

CANOGA PARK, Calif.—Free Speech Coalition will discuss the latest developments with proposed condom legislation and Cal/OSHA regulations at a meeting for adult industry producers, to be held at the Adult Entertainment Expo this week in Las Vegas.

The meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 21, at 6 p.m., in Studio 1A, in the Paradise Tower, at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino. Industry attorneys Karen Tynan and Jeffrey Douglas will be speaking on the panel alongside Kink.com Director of Sexual Health & Advocacy Eric Paul Leue, and other political advisors.

“This is another opportunity for industry producers to learn more about what Cal/OSHA regulations and proposed condom laws will affect their businesses,” said FSC Membership Director Joanne Cachapero.

“2016 is a crucial year for the industry. Producers should take interest in the information that will be discussed at this meeting, so they can be well-informed to how pending legislation will affect their ability to do business,” she added. “FSC encourages industry members to be pro-active in opposing misguided condom laws.”

For more information on pending legislation, or if you have questions about this week’s meeting, please, contact [email protected].

The Free Speech Coalition is the national trade organization of the adult entertainment industry. It's the reason adult content is not specially taxed, the reason young-looking adults can appear in hardcore content, and the reason drawings and animation that use no real children are no longer considered to be "child pornography," among other successes.