Factory Video Responds to AHF Health Code Allegations

SAN FRANCISCOMarc Sterling, office manager for Factory Video Productions, has issued the following response to the statements issued by AIDS Healthcare Foundation regarding fines levied by CalOSHA against the company:

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"Michael Weinstein and the AIDS Healthcare Foundation is once again using misinformation, intimidation and fear-mongering about HIV to push a political agenda.

"The truth is, there have been no worker complaints from Factory Videos, and it was AHF, not anyone working on a Factory Video set, that filed the Cal/OSHA complaint. Factory Video was inspected in March and citations were issued in September. We are now appealing those citations, most of which are general in nature: extension cord violations, guard rail violations and minor ramp violations. (Our building is pre-1906 earthquake, and we've made every effort to comply with any outstanding issues.) Contrary to some press reports, there were only a few citations related to the blood-borne pathogen plan. Based on previous timelines and hearing schedules, we expect to take these citations to trial in late 2014.  

"Weinstein is attempting to use Factory Video to distract attention away from himself after media reports that his crusade against adult producers has led to reduced staff in the care for patients living with HIV. As gay producers, we think it's deplorable that Weinstein would prioritize a political agenda, and his prized role as condom police, over the health and well-being of his patients. Weinstein, AHF and the people it purports to help, would be much better served by bringing the focus back to its mission of prevention and treatment of HIV, rather than this dubious moral crusade."