Dennis Hof In Paris To Debate Prostitution at The Sorbonne

American legal brothel baron Dennis Hof has arrived in Paris to speak at France’s prestigious Sorbonne University on March 11, and has publically announce his plan to open a Bunny Ranch-style whorehouse in the heart of the world-renowned “City of Love.”

Hof, the owner of seven licensed, legal brothels throughout the state of Nevada (including the flagship Bunny Ranch), and star of HBO’s smash reality-TV hit series Cathouse, will debate the pros and cons of legalized hooking at a special sold-out one-time-only Sorbonne appearance. But Hof says his real mission in Paris is to pave the way for a return of the legalized, licensed brothel, and, he will spend March 10-16 in the city scouting locations for his first Euro-Bunny Ranch, and making himself available to meet with Paris officials to coordinate his efforts legally, socially, and politically.

With Hof’s Bunny Ranch brothel now celebrating its 60th year in business, and with next week’s international release of his autobiography The Art Of The Pimp on March 17, (published by ReganArts), he feels his proven experience and global celebrity make him the perfect person to bring legal bawdy-houses back to France.

Hof has previously spoken on prostitution at England’s Oxford University and Ireland’s Trinity College, and he believes that now is the time for France to take a cue from its own history and expand its progressive approach to the world’s oldest profession.

“While France enjoys a culture that is more tolerant that my own when it comes to the legalization of the sex business, she would do well to fall back on her own rich history, to a time when Napoleon oversaw the profitable regulation of over 180 brothels in Paris alone," Hof stated. "His bi-weekly inspection of all prostitutes is a health model that we still follow to this day in Nevada with weekly medical inspections and monthly blood work. The French economy thrived during that period, and criminal activity associated with the sex trade was suppressed. Those results replicate themselves in the modern day example of Nevada, over 200 years later.

“I’m traveling to The Sorbonne to announce my intention to pursue a license to open a Bunny Ranch in Paris," he continued, "and fully restore French culture to a time when they led the world by example in their approach to the legalization and regulation of prostitution.”

The Art Of The Pimp will be available worldwide on March 17 at,, and wherever finer books are sold online and in retail outlets.

Dennis Hof can be reached for interviews 24/7 on his cell phone: (U.S.) 775-720-9090, or email here, or at his hotel in Paris:

Hyatt Regency Paris Étoile
3 Place du Général Kœnig
Paris, France, 75017
Tel: +33 1 4068 1234

For more information, email Marc Medoff here or call 775-246-5683 Ext. 231