Saturday Night Live, NBC TV’s long-running late night sketch comedy show, has targeted almost every possible topic for satire—including porn. But on April 13, the 44-season-old show took aim at the gay porn industry, in a video short that starred Oscar-winning actress Emma Stone, along with a non-speaking role for popular performer Ty Mitchell.
In the sketch, Stone portrays an actress hired to play “Deidre,” and deliver one line in a gay porn shoot: “Jared! What are you doing? Not with my godson!”
But for Stone, it’s not enough to simply say her line; she’s determined to find Deidre’s backstory and motivation.
“I saw the rich and beautiful backstory of this woman: her childhood, her first job, the night she met Jared, the promises she was told, her godson’s 18th birthday, and all the other times she was blindsided by life,” says Stone as “Deidre” in a lengthy voice-over. “I felt the bruises and scars of her past; I saw what led her here, and I saw her in the present, walking in on the love of her life with her godson.”
But the director of this shoot, perhaps unsurprisingly, could not be less interested.
“People are just going to scroll past her so they can get off. She has no past, no future; she exists only to be cheated on. All right? Say what’s in the script.”
But when it comes time to deliver her one line, Stone as Deidre can’t resist adding a little extra emotion. “Jared,” she says. “I forgive you.”
The director wraps the scene and expresses his appreciation for her effort, by saying, “We’ll edit that out.”
Watch the SNL gay porn sketch below, or at this link.