HOLLYWOOD, Calif. - JABB Management has re-opened its studios in Hollywood, Calif., for use by industry professionals.
The studio space, in continuous operation since 1999, locked its doors to all but JABB clients in 2005. The 2,400-square-foot facility, located in the heart of the Hollywood Media District, incorporates a high-ceilinged photography studio and insert stage measuring 24 feet by 16 feet, hair and makeup area, 12-foot-wide locker room-style shower stall with four showerheads and high open ceilings for lighting, a kitchen with catering/craft-service area and production office space.
"We decided to allow outside producers back into the facility for one main reason: Because of the increase in online content demands and our unique location in Hollywood, we were receiving calls on a weekly basis lately," said JABB's Andrew Briskin. "The studio sits empty when our clients aren't using the facility, so why not turn those few days of down time into income?"
Rental rates vary but are below the norm for the size, location and amenities offered, Briskin said. The studio is about 45 minutes from LAX, 30 minutes from Burbank airport and 10 minutes from West Hollywood.