ORANGE COUNTY, Calif. - GayBoyTube, a user-submitted-content site for the gay community, has launched. The site is a companion to MonsterTubers, which offers free video on demand.
GayBoyTube features both professional and amateur hardcore content. After uploading their videos through a user-friendly interface, members can share their work with others of like mind.
"It's an exciting way for anyone to share their soft or hardcore content with the world," said GayBoyTube representative Lily Lacey. "Whether you are an amateur or a professional, the interface is fast and very easy to use for uploading your videos. The site is loaded with quality content that is constantly updating.
"There's a lot to enjoy for both men and women on," she added. "Anyone who appreciates hot men engaged in real sex will find the content arousing. GayBoyTube is putting the man back in the hole, so to speak."
The site is represented to investors by Adult Entertainment Capital.