Boykakke Films Readies ‘Tokyo Cum Swap'

LONDON - Boykakke Films, in collaboration with All Boys Distribution, will release Tokyo Cum Swap Aug. 21. The studio said the title is the first uncensored Japanese gay video to hit the market.

"Despite their love for all things kinky and naughty, it is illegal in Japan to show any private parts in Japanese porn," producer DannyZ explained. "There are literally thousands of gay Japanese DVDs for sale, but all have blurred mosaics around the genitals, which is a total turn-off for most consumers. As you can probably imagine, the pent-up demand is huge for uncensored Japanese porn."

All Boys president Rob Ragan added, "Not only is the title uncensored Japanese, but it's also the same quality consumers have come to expect from the line. We've sold more of this already in pre-books than we did [Boykakke's] first film in the first month, showing that they're really starting to build an audience. I expect after all is said and done, this film will be one of the best, if not the best-selling Japanese gay films ever."

All Boys' vice president of operations, Craig Rivas, said the high-definition title includes "tons of raunchy cum action, hot Asian boys and plenty of hardcore butt-pounding Asian action.

"Boykakke Films has really carved a niche for themselves as leaders in the gay Asian DVD market, and this title is sure to be another hit," he added.