2 Gay Sites Hacked, 30K Records Stolen Including Passwords

CYBERSPACE—One might think the term "white hat hacker" refers to "good" hackers whose only purpose is to expose websites' vulnerabilities so the owners can correct them—but that would be wrong. In this case, a thief self-dubbed "GP Whitehat" stole more than 30,000 records from two gay porn sites owned by Blurred Media LLC: HotGuysFuck.com and GayHoopla.com.

According to an article on Motherboard.vice.com, at least some of the records stolen "included email addresses, user names, plain text passwords, and IP addresses" including one which  "appeared to contain the Social Security Number of Blurred Media LLC’s owner."

Although GP Whitehat denied any personal connection to the hacked sites, the company suspects otherwise, since as far as anyone currently knows, only the two Blurred Media sites were targeted, and the company noted that the culprit might be a "freelance programmer the company sued in the past who is out for revenge."

"This individual ... has admitted to stealing our private property, has issued threats against us personally and our business, has vandalized a part of the website, and has used the stolen property in an attempt to damage our business," a company representative from HotGuysFuck and GayHoopla told Motherboard.

But the company has apparently moved swiftly to contain the damage.

"The data in question is used for members' access to paid content and to initiate a manual cancel of an active, re-billing membership," the representative stated in an email. "With our security consultant, we believe we have secured the systems attacked for the immediate term, and we are migrating to a new install and structure asap to avoid a repeat of this."