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Sweet Summer Sex Kittens

Obviously, lots of pretty girls and high-quality sex make this well-packaged wall-to-waller a keeper. Market with Holliday's other fine tapes.

Shut Up & Blow Me 19

If there is no interest in oral at your store, you can pass this one by with a clear conscience. Everybody else: Stock heavy.

Chica Boom

Screw marketing this to Latinos; everyone will get off on this well-done all-sexer.

World Sex Tour 21

Fans of this sterling series, of course, as well as anyone who would dearly like to travel the world porking gorgeous local gals. The potential audience, in other words, is vast.

Sugar Daddy 20

The older-guy/younger-girl theme will have some very obvious appeal for many of your customers.

Student Body

Box cover beauty Dasha acquits herself well. Anybody who rents based on the box will be pleased.