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Torment 7

The primary audience would be those into the "snarling, angry Fem-Dom" archetype; they'll get what they expected from Lord's scenes - but tell waffling customers about the Harper/Fontana roundelay.

Titty Mania

Customers who are nostalgic for that long-ago time when the air was clean, the kitties mewed, and augmentation ruled the land.


Who couldn\'t appreciate a cartoon filled with incestuous sex, violence and psychological torment?


It\'s a familiar story but it has its charms. Fine for customers familiar with your stock who enjoy seeing the worm turn.

Rogue Adventures 6

If they like the series, seriously hot trannies or hot foreign she-male fucking, then they\'ll want to see this tape.

Real Female Masturbation 7

The ladies are all hot, and for the most part natural. West picks a good cross-section of women to masturbate for the camera, with nice close-ups of pussies in all their juicy glory.

Office Cruelty

The too-rarely-seen Chong's willingness to debase both her slave and herself makes this one worthwhile.

Meter Beating

Fans of English discipline, spanking, caning and good-natured English punishment should enjoy this tape.