Sexy corsets, boots, performers and ejaculations make this worth watching.
Sexy corsets, boots, performers and ejaculations make this worth watching.
Perhaps the best trans series on the market, so if the genre does well for you, this volume\'s to add.
The primary audience would be those into the "snarling, angry Fem-Dom" archetype; they'll get what they expected from Lord's scenes - but tell waffling customers about the Harper/Fontana roundelay.
Customers who are nostalgic for that long-ago time when the air was clean, the kitties mewed, and augmentation ruled the land.
Who couldn\'t appreciate a cartoon filled with incestuous sex, violence and psychological torment?
It\'s a familiar story but it has its charms. Fine for customers familiar with your stock who enjoy seeing the worm turn.
Definitely one to recommend to customers who love big women and like to see them treated right.
If they like the series, seriously hot trannies or hot foreign she-male fucking, then they\'ll want to see this tape.
The ladies are all hot, and for the most part natural. West picks a good cross-section of women to masturbate for the camera, with nice close-ups of pussies in all their juicy glory.
For anyone who likes the look of the girl on the cover and doesn\'t want to share her.
The too-rarely-seen Chong's willingness to debase both her slave and herself makes this one worthwhile.
Fans of English discipline, spanking, caning and good-natured English punishment should enjoy this tape.