Those looking for shit they have most likely never, ever seen before.
Consider this a decent film with sufficient characterization and heat to make it a step above similar productions. Entertaining.
Although a bit self-indulgent, this is an excellent recommendation for couples, angst-ridden porn intellectuals and those who like a plot and decent acting with their hot monkey love.
Sky was part of a trio, lost in the desert. The group stumbles upon a town where everyone makes love precisely at 6PM. So set your clock. And get out your cock!
The hodge-podge of footage may appeal to those who either seek variety or to those who have short attention spans and subsequently are not bothered by non-sequiturs or anachronisms.
The girls are pretty and so are the images. Your customers who dig the lower half of Europe will enjoy this one.
Should do well with fans of the series, strippers or as background video for parties.