Young Asian girls do lecherous American men.
A very good installment in this line and the one to point out to folks this month if they\'re looking for pretty new girls.
If you do well with Rodney, you\'ll do well with this. If you don\'t know, start here and add some other high-rated ones if this one turns over.
Customers would have to be idiots to pass up the hot action and rampant humor here. Stock!
All-oral with a twist of The Big Orange. A must for an active oral section, a nice supplement to the standard gonzo collection.
Less harsh than many Extreme Associates tapes, but still worthy of inclusion in their section.
A strong recommendation for fans of Mr. Marcus and beautiful black women.
There's a reason they call this company "All Good," and there's a reason they've done almost 30 of this line.
With a storyline that rewards a reformed thug with a heart of gold, showing that nice guys can come in first, this film is very couples-oriented.
Aside from some adultery and mild jealousy rearing their heads in this feature, this easy-on-the-eyes film makes it a good recommendation for couples viewing.
Do your wall-to-wall and specialty clientele a big favor and turn them on to Hyde, hardly a porn household name - yet.