Winner. Now, if only we could get some real wood...
Should appear to softcore fans of stockings, messy girls and smoking.
Any customer seen wearing a white mustache can easily be convinced of this video's merits.
Grandma can get her Medicaid-approved cock here, although there seems to be a waiting list for the interracial treatments.
The attractive cover and Euro-charm should appeal to breast fanciers. Likewise, lovers of armpit hair and plump women.
Foot fetish tapes rarely deliver such action. If you cater to serious foot lovers, stock this like a four-A tape and push it.
This tape should do very well with those who fancy discipline English-style being visited upon the backsides of naughty, pretty schoolgirls.
Should appeal to those who enjoy breast bondage, and the attractive box cover will garner attention.
Talking cam wielded by a savvy girl. There\'s your hook, but also promote the happy, healthy, sexy sex.
Nice, boldly packaged amateur series. Each volume has one photograph of each girl on the cover, and highlights the front cover girl's name for easy identification.
It's formula, but it's formula that works. Pretty new girls, pro-am, wall-to-wall.
Perfect material for the amateur section. Decent, photo-illustrated packaging.