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Ass to Mouth

Your anal section of course, though one has to question how many people are really into the whole "ass to mouth" thing as a specific fetish.

24 [bullet] 7 Vol. 40

Cousin Howard should be welcomed with open arms into your black-on-black section, as he will, no doubt, be at the next family reunion.

In the Days of Whore

If ever there was a porn flick that wasn\'t for the porn masses, this is it. But with its considerable advance buzz, enticing foil box and wanton, action-packed rear cover shots, it will likely be a big mover.

Virgin Whore

Comely cover shot of Summers should draw the couples clientele for which Virgin Whore is a solid attraction.

Soul Survivor

One of the most handsomely designed box covers of recent vintage should draw more than the usual Extreme crowd to this one.