For those gaps in the British comedy section. See if they're paying attention out there.
For those gaps in the British comedy section. See if they're paying attention out there.
Universally beautiful performers with incredible talent make this a solid hardcore entry.
Definitely worth recommending to fans of beautiful and enthusiastic black women.
Your anal section of course, though one has to question how many people are really into the whole "ass to mouth" thing as a specific fetish.
Cousin Howard should be welcomed with open arms into your black-on-black section, as he will, no doubt, be at the next family reunion.
If ever there was a porn flick that wasn\'t for the porn masses, this is it. But with its considerable advance buzz, enticing foil box and wanton, action-packed rear cover shots, it will likely be a big mover.
Comely cover shot of Summers should draw the couples clientele for which Virgin Whore is a solid attraction.
One of the most handsomely designed box covers of recent vintage should draw more than the usual Extreme crowd to this one.