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Lactamania 17

Not a lot of quality product on the market for this fetish. Loretta Sterling guarantees they won't leave a dry eye in the house.

Horny Hairy Girls

Perhaps too shockingly "all-natural" for the mainstream, but consumers who prefer their girls untouched by a cosmetologist's hands will have little to complain about.

Bob's Videos 161-164

Though not exclusively foot and leg fetish, this amateur series will fly with any man predisposed to that predilection.

Teen Tryouts 2

At present, anything with the word "teen" in it will rocket from your shelves. Steer unbelievers towards this title.

Reel Life Video 119-121

These videos represent good content in the amateur field. Vol. 119 caters to fans of m?nage a trois; Vol. 120 to couples and fans of anal; Vol. 121 is a wet dream for fans of exhibition.

Jail Babes 15

This series is ready for a new lease on life, but if the novelty hasn't worn off after fifteen volumes, go ahead and stock.

Black Pussy 7

Good video productions and attractive performers make this a strong recommendation for those who like their hot sauce dark and spicy.

Black & Wild

Stock heavy if your audience enjoys black, rap, and wild parties. Recommended.

Anal Delights

It ain't high art but it's a solid recommendation for fans of the genre with an appealing cover that will help move product.

Pornocide 2

David Aaron's the Smartest Man in Porn, for all the cups of coffee it'll get ya. If you have a brisk ethnic trade (particularly Asian girls), stock this for sure.