The attractive box will draw customer attention immediately.
Recommend this title with confidence to those who enjoy high production tranny/couple/Euro fare.
Both tapes should appeal to mom-to-be aficionados, with tape 35 being a truly solid recommendation.
You probably have customers with peeping fantasies who'd really go for this tape; display prominently.
Some people are just about the ass and the hand, no tools involved; make sure they know about this tape.
If your customers complain about the preponderance of plastic Vals with bad boob jobs flooding the hardcore porn market, be an angel and stock plenty of this title for both general wall-to-wall sex and big tit sections.
Push this fantasy as the perfect outlet for that sadistic office manager who likes to pit underlings against each other and then sit back to watch the amusements, or for the powerless cubicle rat who wishes to be the boss.
Fanciers of pretty girls, golden showers and peeing in general should enjoy this visually appealing selection.
The attractive metallic box, which makes the tape look hotter than it really is, is the selling point here.
A light-hearted treatment of plus-size sexuality that should appeal to genuine fat admirers as well as those seeking novelty.
The single photo of tortured Dove on the box will draw the eye of any person within ten feet.
Fans of solo performances, monster dildos, and female ejaculation.
Uninspired box shows the attractive performer in one of her more interesting moments, adding a little life to a store's BDSM video section.