Girlflesh as far as the eye can see, plus some b/g scenes for flavoring.
Feel confident recommending this to anal fans and those who love stylish fetish visuals with graphic sex.
Couples who don\'t mind lots of anal, and fans of Euro-babes and/or strong production values.
Max's box covers, being among the industry's most explicit, effectively foreshadow the hoary spectacle within.
Relatively straight sex with a harmless story and a minimum of nastiness makes this suitable for middle-of-the-road tastes.
The video's catalogue of sexual delights is chronicled in the box art, which shows the girls' assets to good advantage.
Stock this title at eye level and watch single men rent it off the shelves regardless of the German typescript and European cast.
Stylish, sexy box art will attract the buyer looking for sophistication and quality in erotica, which the video delivers in spades.
Great performances and creative scene-setting make this a top notch general interest video.
Categorize among Moore's other series work for fans who won't want to miss this spooge festival.
Attractive box plays up the better aspects of the good-looking girls with stills that will catch an eye from the next aisle.