Earl Slate fans.
Not a really good idea but, if you have to stock it, put it in the import section and play dumb.
The overall feeling of mostly white girls shot from a Sean Michaels point-of-view is strong.
Should please those who love watching big ethnic (black and Latina) booty quaking sexually without the anal porking.
A decent box cover with the word "anal" in huge type will probably help you break even on a rental copy
If you do well with this line, or the British comedy/hardcore sex combo intrigues you, give it a go, wot do yer say, gov'nor?
Recommend to Anglophiles who want to see real English rose types - no slappers here, mate - getting naughty.
Fans of interviews with porn stars; customers who enjoy nouveau porn background music.
Gangbang freaks and those seeking a change of pace from the usual glammed-out Valley chicks might find this appealing.
For Chloe fans, obviously, but point out Vivian to customers who may not be familiar with this hot tamale.