One of the better all-sex tapes we've seen this year.
Tell the Humbert Humberts in your store\'s clientele about this tape (and this series), but warn them that not all the performers are the Lolita-types appropriate for this sort of fetish.
Elizabeth's performance will interest those into the fresh flesh, but the rest is filler, at best.
Retailers should keep the horsie hijinx and local laws in mind when stocking. Best bet for browsers, as the box is stronger than the product.
Customers who cycle vicariously through back issues of Easyrider.
Bridgette's status as AVN's Best New Starlet last year is touted on the box cover, which should help rentals.
If this series does well for you, or if your Asian specialties section is a hit, then stock this title.
A few authentic foot fetish moments are almost lost amidst back-of-the-shoebox quality hardcore.
If you do well with other shot-in-Brazil tapes, snap this up and push it hard; there's lots of cute, curvy Rio girls here, and that's a big selling point.
Mainstream sex which will never appear on a hit list of potentially troublesome tapes. Safe sex without safe sex? Interesting concept.
It's an attempt to do something different and that should be pointed out to the customers; there may very well be a big audience for this material.
The title is misleading; this isn't an all-oral tape. Stock only for an extremely comprehensive all-sex section.