Fans who salivate over silicone sacks of passion.
The title and box copy are misleading - there's no reference to fluffing/fluffers here at all.
For those who'd like to see something a little different ? or those who like German gals.
With raisin-nippled Asian girl-women peppered all over the box cover, this is an obvious choice for an "All-Asian" or "Lesbian" section of the store.
Allysin Chaynes on the cover should give you the idea. Keep an eye out for Sinclair. She's going places.
Although nothing more than filler trade for an all-Black section of the store, the box cover's publicity stills will attract a following.
A Spinelli packaging recommended for those with a natural curiosity for tribady and Zulu cooch.
With an outstanding box cover and clear fan base, this tape should rent well so long as it is displayed at eye level.
Although the box claims a two-hour running time, after the first 75 minutes it's all promos for other series.
A mixed comp of Tokyo titillations as complimentary to each other as a Mazda RX-7 is to an \'87 Corolla.
Though the production is not up to par with the others in the series, the always-strokable sex will satisfy most of your customers. Retailers in pee-phobic regions should take notice of the wet stuff, however.