Should be first choice for your oral section this month.
Tera on the cover and in four scenes should make this vid turn over like a Cirque du Soleil acrobat on a caffeine binge. Set it out and stand back.
The combination of an attractive box cover and a recognizable cast should keep this movie rotating in and out of the rental section nicely.
A new Jenna tape. Need we say more? Stock early and stock often. Jameson's debut as a Vivid girl should be a monster.
Highly recommended for lovers of both the anal and the ethnic categories; Too Pretty's alluring photo on the box cover should elicit some interest.
Recommend with confidence to those seeking a sex comedy that's easy to pay attention to as well as fuck in front of.
Stylish, couples friendly porn. Kylie Ireland has a built-in fan base, and probably so does Andrews after Confessions.
Stock with the rest of Dale Jordan\'s work in your ethnic section; if he\'s not there already, he should be.