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Ass Cream Pies 3

Multiple copies in anal, Anabolic, new releases. Internal ass pops and comedy all rolled into one.

Flesh Hunter 5

Much of Jordan\'s stuff charts well and this should be no exception. Multiple copies in your general new releases, gonzo and Evil Angel sections.

100% Nasty 2

This will appeal to anyone seeking an all-Afro smut vid with seriously horny action. Recommend it.

Back On My Stack 3

Do your customers a favor: only get one copy, keep it hidden behind the counter and only bring it out when they request something awful or different.

Slut Enough

Recommend to anyone thinking about a career in porn, or to De\'Nyle fans.

Dirtier Debutantes 10

Put it on the shelves with his other products before the wall gets completely filled with videos with variations on the word \"dirty.\"