Trannie series showing promise deserves requisite shelf space accordingly.
Great-looking box cover and title will help this video stand out in your Teen section.
Similar to previous volumes in the series; fans of this style will be very content. Good stuff.
If you think this series had lost its steam(ed) dumplings, think again, round eye!
Filler. But note that while all the girls wear fetish-light garb, James is never seen on the tape in that smokin\' black kink costume that\'s featured prominently on the misleading box cover, the primary reason this critic chose this title to review.
The cover is pretty generic, but don't let that dissuade you from stocking heavily.
Healthy new girls, rigid wood, continuous action and two discs. Stock enough copies so you don't run out.
Will please fans of all Hustler lines and keep Latin-smut devotees coming back for more.