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Xtra Large Amateurs 2

Xtra Large Amateurs 2

Released Sep 30th, 1997
Running Time 76
Director Rockin Robin
Company Loads of Fun Video
Cast Dick Nasty, Sin Dee Williams, Coco Motion, Shaft (I), Patty Parker
Critical Rating AA
Genre Specialty



Seeing Nasty slide his spam sword betwixt the meat flaps of Patty may turn some on. Seeing rivulets of sweat pour down from under dirigible-sized teats like grease off a medium-well pork roast may also turn some on. Realizing that there is a growing, viable market for gals of greta girth, we can kinda hang with that. But repetitive camera angles, low heat and close ups of harelips on faces sculpted by Hormel is where we call it quits, bub.

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