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World's Biggest Gang Bang II

World's Biggest Gang Bang II

Released Nov 30th, 1996
Running Time 258
Company Metro Distributors
Cast Many Many Others, Jasmin St. Claire
Critical Rating AAAA
Genre All-Sex



Like the proverbial highway accident, a high-concept gangbang beckons, waves, seduces and indiscriminately flags down passing motorists for a pruient peek at the pile-up. Common sense informs you about stopping to gawk; nonetheless…

Judging by the encyclopediae of press which performer Jasmin St. Claire and John T. Bone, the Don King of cluster fucks, received during WBGB II¸the world is either full of passing motorists, or those itching to get a learner's permit.

You know the story backwards and forwards about this event. St. Claire, a former investment banker/broker/whatever attempts to break Annabel Chong's "world gangbang record" of 251 men. While St. Claire succeeds by a numerical tally of 49, it's more accurate to say she gets fucked 300 times (including a few shots in the ass) rather than obtains 300 individual phone numbers; sloppy thirds and fourths being the rule rather than the exception.

And talk about your diverse area codes. The Brad Pitt lookalike contest, this ain't. Resultantly, St. Claire puts in a hrad day at the office judging by her worn physical composure at journey's end. Lensed against a Pago-Pago tropical setting, St. Claire swimmingly captures the mood of the islands, often times reacting, indirectly, like the guest sacrifice in Joe Versus The Volcano.

Spread-eagled on an "altar," Jasmine takes 'em on five-at-a-time, many of her grim inseminators approaching the task as though the rites of gangbang manhood entail either a bridge toll or removal of the testicles. Even host Ron Jeremy, who tries to mix it up like ESPN's Chris Berman, doesn't always register on the laugh-meter with the Devil's Island glee club, while co-anchor Tyffany Million simply rolls her eyes and leads cheers like a telethon hostess.

The law of averages being what they are, four hours worth of intense camerawork manages to detail an extraordinary essay about the human zoo. Among the participants there's a masked executioner, leather hood and all; another who's dressed like a dropout from a Swiss yodeling school; and a blond Aryan who got the FrankenBobbitt penis-injection. From the looks of things, if truth-in-advertising be told, don't get a penis injection.

On the play-by-play side, explaining the finite math of ganbangology, there's Bone, looking like a physics professor as he assumes the demeanor of a world-weary academic.

So, if one gets the impression that the sex in this event approaches the erotic level of a Masonic initiation, bing, you've just won yourself a mason jar. On the other hand, as the adult industry's version of the two-headed calf, you definitely owe yourself a peek inside the tent. There's no other show on earth like this.

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