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White Chicks Gettin' Black Balled 7

White Chicks Gettin' Black Balled 7

Released Jul 31st, 2005
Running Time 74
Director Craven Moorehead
Company North Pole Enterprises
Cast Kelly Wells, Loni, Nicole Parks, Sledge Hammer, Haley Scott, Broc Adams, Vanilla Skye, Tyler Knight
Critical Rating AAA 1/2
Genre All-Sex



A good addition to your interracial section.


Some good looking chicks get black balled in this flick, and they do it with enthusiasm.

Asian vixen, Loni, climbs on top of Sledge Hammer and rides him like she means it. Beautiful blonde Haley Scott teams up with Tyler Knight for a decent plugging. He wrangles her by her hair and wraps his hands around her throat. Vanilla Skye bounces her big white booty on top of Broc Adams. Then he sticks it in her butt. And thick blonde Nicole Parks gets stuffed full of Sledge.

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