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Where The Girls Aren't 2

Where The Girls Aren't 2

Released Apr 30th, 1990
Running Time 78
Director Paul Thomas
Company Vivid Entertainment Group
Cast Diedre Holland, Cheri Taylor, Barbara Dare, Jamie Summers (I)
Critical Rating AAAA
Genre Feature




Original won award for best all-girl feature; hot packaging.


Bless Paul Thomas' heart. He must have known I was going to review this tape, and that I like a little story with my lesbian action. A sequel in name only (aren’t' they all these days?), our tales gives us four shipwrecked lovelies ho learn how to survive without men. Cheri Taylor continues her string of nice performances as a ditzy lady who would prefer a man but will make due with what she's got. As pretty as ever, is the way to describe Jamie Summers —back after a two-year hiatus. There are light comedic touches throughout, a cute surprise ending and a promise of a third entry in the series. Director Thomas shows us there is no type of adult video that doesn't turn out well in his hands.

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