Released | Oct 01st, 2000 |
Running Time | 104 |
Director | Chloe (I) |
Company | Elegant Angel Productions |
Cast | Ginger Paige, T.J. Hart, Kyle Stone (straight), Anthony Crane, Mark Davis, Shelbee Myne, Chloe (I), Ian Daniels, Dayton Raines, Lola (I) |
Critical Rating | AAAA |
Genre | Gonzo |
The title refers to that special place where one of porndom's most intense cum-meisters goes - metaphysically speaking of course - whenever she blows her cookies.
It's also a venue where your gonzo clientele is gonna wanna spend considerable time enjoying its very sweltering sights, including one of the most searing sex scenes of the year. Pre-nom the tape for best gonzo video and that scene (see below) for Best Group Sex Scene - Video.
Director/star Chloe gets things uh, off, to a rollicking start with a very ambitious solo j.o. sequence in which she cums four - count `em - four times, herself with twin dildos, fisting her pussy (apologizing to American viewers for the censoring of that particular act) and even choking herself briefly.
She then sucks up all her juice in a turkey baster and spends much of the remainder of the tape simulating squirting the stuff on the rest of the female cast's cunts in the hope that it will take them to Chloeville too. Any bets?
First up is the very delectable Dayton Raines, who turns in an extremely hot and bothered performance as she fucks Ian Daniels, then face-fields his gooey load with gusto.
As strokably noteworthy as that scene is, it pales in comparison to what comes next - a Lola/Chloe/Anthony Crane take-no-prisoners barn-burner which, after various sweaty entanglements, concludes with Lola fisting Chloe's pussy (again, censored) while Crane reams the latter's ass. Radiating with a white-hot intensity rarely achieved in adult, the scene is easily one of the very best of this brand new millennium.
It's a tough act to follow, and in fact, the tape's three remaining scenes - a hardware-heavy Shelbee Myne/Ginger Paige pairing, a T.J. Hart/Mark Davis rectal reaming and a Chloe/Kyle coupling - aren't quite up to the challenge. But that's not really a slam at them since they all rock in varying degrees and in virtually any other vid, they'd be the highlights.