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Transvestite Humiliation

Transvestite Humiliation

Released Oct 31st, 1992
Running Time 57
Company Gotham Gold
Cast Tinisha Scott, George Payne
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Specialty



George Payne's spendthrift wife will do anything to get his credit cards. Today, she has brought home a playmate for his amusement. Unfortunately, George discovers that the only feminine thing about his playmate is her clothes. George takes his anger out on both Tinisha and Kit — with generous doses of bondage and verbal humiliation.

As a dominant, George boarders on the psychotic, which is a refreshing change from the usual deadpan approach. He delivers such lines as "(Belt) buckle made in USA. Leather made by a fucking cow" and "Money talks, especially plastic" with convincing authority, TV and B&D fans will get a kick out of this one.

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