Released | Jun 01st, 2001 |
Running Time | 75 |
Director | Jerome Tanner |
Company | Legend Video |
Cast | Dale DaBone, Kiki Daire (aka Kiki D'Aire), Bernadette Brazal, Joel Lawrence, Tabitha Stern, Claudia Adkins, Evan Stone, Gwen Summers, Jonathan Stern |
Critical Rating | AAAA |
Genre | Feature |
Kind of cheesy, but this video is pretty funny and earns pre-noms for Best Sex Comedy and Best Anal Scene (Taylor St. Claire and Evan Stone). Gwen Summers stars as a trailer park denizen who wants to be useful and respected. She gets her chance when a disaster hits the trailer park. Now she has an opportunity to do something about the medical staff shortage, so she organizes the home girls from the trailer park to volunteer as nurses (of course, in crazy nurse fetish outfits). Though they have little professionalism or skills, the caring ladies have heart and great desire to relieve, uh, anyone who needs to feel better. Dale DaBone gets a pre-nom for Best Supporting Actor for his hilarious portrayal of a dopey KKK cracker (terrifically ironic, with the Native American tattoo on his arm and a skin tone that hardly resembles the Aryan ideal). Watch also for Joel Lawrence's convulsively funny performance.
The cheesiness works for this vid because some of the jokes involve the shortcomings of the standard limited budgets and improbable hyperbole native to porn. When Gwen Summers' character, Muffin, starts going off about feminist self-sufficiency and self-determination, Muffin's supposed fellow cornpone trailer ho Claudia Adkins asks in her heavily Eastern European accented voice, "Have you been watching that black woman on TV again?" Missing the mark is a good thing when it comes to humorously incongruous character portrayals: the girls are often way too pretty and polished to be convincing as trailer trash, although Taylor St. Claire's cigarette smoking adds to her trashiness quotient along with her mousse-laden locks. Claudia Adkins is another natural beauty who's also an incredibly hot and nasty anal queen.