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Released Mar 31st, 2005
Running Time 66
Director Regan Senter
Company Beautiful Models Productions
Distribution Company AMVC.com
Cast Tina Fine, Regan Senter
Critical Rating A 1/2
Genre Pro-Am



Padding for amateur area.


As a kid, did you ever come across those unmarked videotapes squirreled away somewhere very strange in your house? When you stuck them in the VCR you found out they were videos of your Dad fucking the babysitter, and you're still going to therapy for that? Well, this is what watching this DVD is like, even for those who never had that particular childhood experience.

Director Regan Senter is the only male performer on the disc. He's giving direction constantly - even while he's fucking the girl. Not to mention the mirrored backboard of the bed puts the camera setup in full view. The female performer looks bored, and we can't really blame her. Another girl is added for a couple of scenes, but it really doesn't help. This unedited mess may have a certain voyeuristic appeal for some, but most will be snoozing instead of stroking.

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