Released | Jun 18th, 2019 |
Running Time | 117 Min. |
Director | Francois Clousot |
Company | Digital Playground |
Distribution Company | Pulse Distribution |
DVD Extras | Still Gallery(ies), Trailer(s), Widescreen |
Cast | Tommy Gunn, Madison Ivy, Ryan Driller, Tia Cyrus, Jessa Rhodes, Darcie Dolce, Ricky Johnson |
Critical Rating | AAA 1/2 |
Genres | Action/Thriller, Marquee |
After a passionate bed romp, Darcie Dolce responds to Madison Ivy's request to leave by putting her in a chokehold and shooting white light out of her eyes and mouth, stealing her body and turning into Ivy before exiting by stepping into a glittering black monolith.
Cut to general Tommy Gunn and mysterious aide Ricky Johnson arriving at a desert outpost with a mysterious alien spacecraft hovering above. Scientist Ryan Driller and mathematician Ivy (!) brief Gunn and Johnson on the message received from the craft before Gunn and Johnson step into another glittery black monolith to enter the ship. The combination of elements from Lifeforce, District 9 and 2001—plus as the classic device of Captain Kirk beaming himself right into possible danger instead of sending an underling—is impressive in its audacity.
On the alien ship, Gunn meets Tia Cyrus, humanoid except for the jewels on her forehead, and she welcomes him to the ship. Afterwards, Cyrus gives him the eye-mouth-light steal-your-face bit and, transformed into the general, emerges from the monolith saying, "I have to see the president."
Johnson, ever the military man, tries to get weapons from alien Jessa Rhodes, who recognizes his avarice ("Your instinct for survival is ... quaint") and offers him an opportunity to celebrate their alliance. When Rhodes tries to give him the bright-light, he snarls, "Not today!" and pops the just-in-case cyanide pill he pocketed on his way in. Rhodes steps through the monolith in her alien form, and seduces Driller with the already-compromised Ivy. ("I thought you liked girls," a puzzled Driller says.) When Rhodes tries to compromise Driller, human ingenuity saves the day. Or does it ... ?
Silly sci-fi B-movie fun, with solid sex scenes. Clever, compact script hangs the shotguns on the wall and fires them all at the right times.