Released | Apr 01st, 1994 |
Running Time | 64 |
Director | Robert Ruttenberg |
Company | Something Weird Video |
Critical Rating | Not Yet Rated |
Genre | Alternative |
Lisa Sanders who was billed as Alice Noland in After The Ball Was Over (she played Evelyn, the neurotic housewife) is one of three female swingers featured in this picture.
The film begins with her stripping out of her clothes and masturbating as she reminisces. This little comment serves merely as a reminder that, lest the XXX business thinks it's got a bead on creative storytelling, this film predates reminiscing as we know it, by at least 12 years.
Lisa relates a tale of how she and her girlfriends are on their way to a ski lodge only to have their car run out of gas. It's at this point that the script runs out of gas. The girls find a convenient nearby house and wind up screwing the brains out of the two male occupants.
And yes, the voiceover narrative is hilarious in its ceaseless glossary of romantic novel cliches. Witness a scene where Lisa is in bed with Rod.
Lisa: "No one ever took my clothes off with such an air of seduction." Of course, you have to get a load of Rod (cowboy boots and white boxer shorts) at the moment Lisa's making this comment. He's got his head buried up her crotch at an angle suggestive of a U-boat commander ferreting out PT boats in her butthole. Should Lisa break wind at this moment, Rod's air of seduction will be unparalleled.
Lisa's girlfriends Cleo and Ruby supply the remaining factors in the equation as the remainder of the film makes every salacious effort at inventing imaginative ways of pairing off three broads with two guys.
Stars Lisa Sanders, Yolanda, Claudine DuBois, Rupert Light, Tony Dabos.