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The Penetration Of Elle Rio

The Penetration Of Elle Rio

Released Jun 30th, 1987
Running Time 80
Director Roy Karch
Company Gourmet Video
Cast Buddy Love, Wayne Stevens, Elle Rio, Marc Wallice, Viper (I), Tanya Fox
Critical Rating AA 1/2
Genre Feature



Elle Rio is down the river in this video, but great performances by the rest of the cast salvage a decent rating for The Penetration (or "Seduction," depending upon whether you read the box or the opening credits) Of Elle Rio.  Rio has sex with Mark Walllice where he ends up really having to pleasure himself (and not just a few strokes) to get off.  What a woman.  Who needs Rio for this? Virtually all of her other action is with other women. What does this say about Elle Rio?  Usually a sexual dynamo, she's none too exciting here.

Still, there are some really terrific things about this feature. Viper's body tattoo will get you hot just looking at it.  And her sizzling strobe light scene with Wayne Stevens is worth the price of this tape alone.  Also, I'm not that big a fan of most lesbian action since it always seems to be similar, but the triple lesbian scene here is wonderful.

The nothing plot portrays Elle having sex with somebody's husband, and then trying to figure out a way to have sex with his wife, too.  But (yawn) there's no creative strategy here. Also, the camera work and/or editing is jerky and hard to follow at times.  Still, there's enough good sex in The Penetration (Seduction) Of Elle Rio to seduce me into giving it AA1/2.

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