Released | Jul 01st, 1997 |
Running Time | 54 |
Director | Armando Bo |
Company | Something Weird Video |
Cast | Andrew Parry, John Mitchell, Amado Bo, Oscar Vale, Victor Bo, Isabel Sarli |
Critical Rating | Not Yet Rated |
Genre | Alternative |
Mention the name Isabel Sarli to a Generation X member of the adult film-watching populi and they'd probably guess it was a New York City restaurant.
Sarli, a busty but obscure sex siren of 30 years ago, now enjoys a second-wind of acclamation thanks to the release of her films through Something Weird Video.
The Naked Temptation, a gritty black and white melodrama with more-than-obvious Russ Meyer overtones, is textbook Sarli. A woman, usually cast adrift by fate, tempts men with her lusty figure. Sarli's films, as a rule, can pretty much be reduced to this simple concept, and Holy Natalie Wood, guess what happens in The Naked Temptation?
Sarli, a party girl, is washed overboard from a boar and winds up (who knows how) in some South American jungle, where she seduces a disillusioned former playboy. Every T&A resource known to man (and director) comes into play with Sarli taking showers; Sarli slithering about in wet, clinging dresses; Sarli posing on the beach like a disenfranchised calendar girl. Sooner or later, all this primping and posing triggers the animal nature in the square-jawed local gentry as they tear into one another for sniffing rights. And it ain't pretty.
You've seen it all before with Russ Meyer, now here's the southern hemisphere's rendition. It's equally as good.