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The Naked Bun

The Naked Bun

Released Jun 30th, 1989
Running Time 90
Director Leland Norris
Company Vidway
Cast Summer Rose, Rick Savage, Darcy Derringer, Veronica Hall, Seymour Love, Michael Knight
Critical Rating AA 1/2
Genre Feature



With a title The Naked Bun, I guess you'd expect a parody of last winter's big hit The Naked Gun; you know, not much action but long on pratfalls and witty, urban humor. Well, these folks have got it just backwards. There's virtually no humor, although I think the storyline where both the cops (Summer Rose, Michael Knight), who are assigned to catch the jewel thieves (Darcy/Rick) are seduced by the criminals is supposed to be funny. I can't tell; there were too many bouncing bodies.

Look for Summer Rose and Darcy Derringer in a particularly impressive girl/girl number. Also of interest is Rick Savage's scene with the lovely hypnotist (Veronica Hall). I haven't seen this much nipple pulling in years, and the sex seems to go on forever.  Those who like long, hot sex action, of which there's plenty, will probably be able to ignore the threadbare sets. But I find myself wondering what else was lurking around the thieves' apartment besides naked bodies.

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