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The Doctor's In 8

The Doctor's In 8

Released Jun 30th, 2000
Running Time 114
Director Zak Barrow
Company Odyssey Group Video
Critical Rating AAAA
Genre Gonzo



Some British humour with your sex videos today, sport?


Hello hello hello, we 'ave 'ere the pseudonymous Dr. Neil Down and his equally spuriously named counterpart Phil Mycock again treating sexual dysfunction amongst the fair birds of the British Isles by givin' 'em a right shagging, and how better to do it, I put it to you Gov'nor?

Four examples this time, with good fun had by all. Phil is MIA during the first go-round, with Dr. Neil using a remote to control the camera. Phil is back by scene two, though; and they shag their way through their duties admirably. A quick Cockney Rhyming Slang lesson is also included: The good doctor speaks of watching Phil getting his Khyber kicked, and then when he tells the lass in scene four that she has a nice Khyber, well, there you are, then, aren't you?

Usual occasional lighting miscues, and some scenes with Brit-safe softcore were used instead of the hardcore we Yanks are familiar with; but if the distinctive mix of humor and hard-ons in this series works for you and your customers, it will again here.

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