Released | Dec 01st, 1991 |
Running Time | 80 |
Director | Scotty Fox |
Company | Legend Video |
Cast | Jack Sheepe, Miyagi, J.B. (I), Madison (I), Buck Adams, Alexis DeVell, Randy West, Bionca Trump |
Critical Rating | AAAA |
Genre | Feature |
I have to be guarded in my opinion of The Cockateer - whether I truly like it because it's that good or unique, or because I'm taking perverse pleasure that macho-meister Buck Adams comes off like a nincompoop.
Call it a draw. Adams doesn't go to the length of taking pies in the kisser, but he's so articulately and blandly balanced for the role of "cool dude" Rand Millstrom, the champion of sexual rights, that this whole Cockateer-thing sneaks up on you like a rubber chicken joke.
Adams flares his cheekbones, salutes his flag, spreads his lats and squares off his chin as he fights a neverending battle against sexually repressive shitheads. As "The Cockateer" he wears a turbo-erecter silver dildo suit and blasts into the sky with the force of 1,000 men ejaculating simultaneously. He's the perfect idiot-hero with the right intent of duty, conscience and honor. Throw in a Canadian mountie hat and he'd be Dudley Do Right, and Alexis DeVell, who plays his lamebrained oversexed girlfriend, could be Nell. They're a perfect chemistry, and DeVell hams it up quite rightly and provides us with awe-inspiring glimpses of her wondrous bosom.
Having never met a comic book, TV pop culture hero, or a double entendre he didn't like, director Scotty Fox has a field day satirizing bogus peity. Unfortunately, the fact that evangelists have been satirized-to-death (their own fault) makes Madison's job of playing Felicia Powers, Mistress of the Morally Correct, a group that is out to subvert the sexual freedom of the citizens of Horndog City, like trying to screw linguini. It's a thankless assignment.
In this delirious ensemble of crazies, Madison, with the hi-tech Southern belle caricature, has the hardest job to be reality-based. But she has the easiest job in reality: to seduce a nation into non-seduction. That's exactly what's happening now in this country, and it ain't funny anymore. Methinks Fox made a stronger political statement in The Case of the Sensuous Sinners, simply because we could laugh from afar. Now things are getting too close to home.
In a wickedly funny subplot in The Cockateer, Millstrom's sidekick Doc O'Herlihy (Randy West) is injected with an impotence serum - a dickey mickey, and Felicia with the aid of Screwball (T.T. Boy in clown makeup doing a mild spin on Rick Savage's award winning performance of a couple of years' back as The Jokestuh) is threatening to dump gallons of the stuff in Horndog City's water supply.
We almost forgot the most important ingredient: the sex. All of it is lustful and erotic. In fact, this feature loads you with so much wonderful buffoonery, witty dialogue and sex that I'd rank this among the finest of this year's crop of adult videos.