Released | Sep 30th, 2004 |
Running Time | 113 |
Director | Jackson Rubio |
Company | Blue Pictures |
Cast | Kylie Rey, Sandra (I) (Romanian), David Steele, Bruce Vain, Kelly Steele, Dulce (I), Hazel (I), Hamilton Steele, Kyle Phillips |
Critical Rating | A 1/2 |
Genre | All-Sex |
Atrocious production values and editing give this the kiss of death. Even Dulce's brief d.p. or Kelly Steele's extensive doggy isn't enough to resuscitate this DOA amateurish product. Lips move but no voices are heard. Repetitions music permeates your auditory canals. At one point, right in the middle of the action, the camera freezes for nearly a full minute on what looks like the back of a chair. And so on.