Released | Dec 01st, 1998 |
Running Time | 91 |
Company | N |
Distribution Company | J Black Lee Productions |
Critical Rating | AAA |
Genre | Pro-Am |
No cigar and, sadly, not so close as the opening credit sequence will have you hoping. NJ, what would a reviewer have to say to get you to produce something she could recommend--in good faith, now, in good faith?
Funny, flesh (that should probably have been spelled with a "ph") and funky (Kevin Gainer, get your tapes out there, young man! Your music is exactly what porn needs more of!), the crew at N.J Black Lee can't seem to bring their natural tendencies towards these three F's to a sex scene. Instead, they disappoint at almost every Fucking turn. None of the girls on the box appear in the tape, and the ones who do make the viewer think nothing so much as tired ol ho. Woe, woe. Sure, the idea's supposed to be that the babes are untrained in the ways of porn phinesse, but guys, if you're gonna hire pros anyway, you may as well pick industry regulars.
Give it to me, baby.