Released | Jul 31st, 2006 |
Running Time | 143 |
Director | Sineplex |
Company | Sineplex |
Distribution Company | AVODN |
Cast | Joachim Kessef, Viki (I), Maya (I), Kelli, Anna (I), Alisha (I), Krystal (I), Masha (I), Miki (II) (Russian) |
Critical Rating | AAAA |
Genre | All-Sex |
It is difficult viewing this without imagining hearing Paul Simon's "Slip Sliding Away" tune from years past. Each of these threesomes continues the series in the same manner – Euro gals, in pairs and looking super-slick and tasty, alternating their orifices for one huge black dick. That really is the entire premise in this interracial import, and damned if it doesn't work equally well in all of the lengthy scenes.
It is as though one's cock, crazy as this thought may be, tires of the same old same old – hole, so it visits each location more often than a homeless relative. Everyone acts like one symbiotic sex organ: no jealousy or envy; just solid lust.
For the sexiest pale nipples in the business, don't miss Viki.
Pre-nom for Best Foreign All-Sex Series.
Retailing: Excellent interracial import.