Released | Aug 31st, 1988 |
Running Time | 87 |
Director | Stephen Polk |
Company | Vidway |
Cast | Christine Robbins, Siobhan Hunter |
Critical Rating | A 1/2 |
Genre | Feature |
Some decent performances are buried in this below-average sexvid. You know the kind: two sets, everybody wears the same outfit throughout a “week-long” story, etc. There’s some sort of plot here about a trysting couple, a jealous wife, a private eye, and an Oriental temptress (couldn’t they at least hire an Oriental?), but you’d never really know it. The biggest problem is the incredible sameness of four of the five sex scenes, and how each of them seems about four minutes too long. Too much of the same guy-and-girl-on-bed, four-changes-of-position, end-with-a-kiss is definitely too much. And just when you think they’re going to try a threesome, the tape ends! The cast does what is expected of them, Stephanie Rage and Christie Robbins are good in an Obligatory Lesbian scene and the packaging is nice. But Shoot To Thrill misfires.