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She's No Angel

She's No Angel

Released Apr 30th, 1990
Running Time 78
Directors C C Williams, Ron Jeremy
Company Venus 99
Cast Frank James, Fallon, Buck Adams, Carol Cummings
Critical Rating AAA
Genre Feature



Nice packaging.


As every guy intent on getting his date a little woozy on booze knows, once a girl gets tipsy, she's no angel.

There's no real thread to the story except for Frank James playing bartender to Carol Cummings and Tabitha Stevens —waxing poetic about the virtues of the grape. In various vignettes, different pretty women all lose their inhibitions after imbibing. They wake up not knowing where they are, who they've been with or even what they're doing —things they'd be too shy to consider.

Some nice romantic music and some of the sex action is particularly hot as when Fallon gets it in an alley. Worth a place on your store shelf.

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