Released | Nov 01st, 1985 |
Running Time | 88 |
Director | Gail Palmer |
Company | Essex Video |
Cast | Peter North, Linda Weismeier, Dez Mendez, Robin Cannes, Crystal Breeze, Pam Santini, Gerald Elliot, Paul Baressi, Ginger Lynn, Gail Palmer, Craig Centurian, Eric Edwards, Melanie Scott (II) |
Critical Rating | AA |
Genre | Film |
If you took portions of Paramount Video's extremely luscious Aerobicize tape and blended it with nicely-shot loops, you'll get an idea of what Gail palmer's Shape Up For Sensational Sex consists of. Beautiful women, from model Dez Mendez to playmate Linda Weismeier, tease and taunt in pseudo-erotic exercises, designed to get you in shape for better sex. Whether these exercises work is anyone's guess, but you'll spend time during these segments wishing these gorgeous bombshells would disrobe. But they'll turn you on even with their outfits on.
Each segment, from arm exercises to hamstring stretches to aerobics to a cool-down session, cuts to a short hardcore sex scene that will satisfy the viewer only rarely. The exercise is designed for that specific position.
Ginger Lynn performs one of her very first hardcore scenes here, with much of the penetration simulated. Since the sex scenes are supposedly extensions of the previous workout the sex act should make sense. But the linkage usually doesn't.
There are a couple of good sex scenes, most of which are kept very short. The emphasis is on exercise and Palmer has chosen exotic and varied location for her lovely models and good-looking guys (one is a Chippendale) to strut their stuff. Paramount's Aerobicise is just as erotic for the tease value, but the sex here is mostly standard fare.
Shape Up For Sensational Sex does boast superb production values, with nice graphics, lighting, music and sharp editing. Yet the strange mix of exercise and hardcore doesn't work as an erotic film. The lack of continuity will leave sex fans bored and aching for more Ginger and Crystal Breeze. The best hope for Shape Up is that people who have never viewed porn will take a chance with this one, enjoy the few sex scenes and cross over to a new market. After all, this is an exercise tape. But the porn buffs should leave this one on the shelves.