Released | Jan 31st, 1999 |
Running Time | 66, 70 |
Company | Odyssey Group Video |
Cast | Sydnee Steele, Candy Hill, Julian (II), Shelbee Myne, Tye (I), Ruby (I), Julian (I), Pat, Anna Malle, Mr. Marcus |
Critical Rating | Not Yet Rated |
Genre | Gonzo |
Alfred Hitchcock once said that drama is life with the dull bits cut out. Shane's World is a group vacation with the non-sex bits cut out.
Vol. 14 starts with Candy Hill blowing Mr. Marcus in the back of a moving RV, to the good-natured kibitzing of most of the cast as first Mandi Frost then Ana Malle join in. When they finally get to the picnic spot -- a lake somewhere -- the serious fucking starts. Shelbee and Pat flout Shane's condom-only policy, but they are married, and before Pat dips into Mandi later in the scene he gets properly dressed. Frost is well-showcased in several scenes. The slim running time (although there are seven scenes by my count one g/g) is augmented by a 50-minute preview of Shane's new Slumber Party series, an all-girl toy fest that is technically poor (way overlit) but shows promise: Drinking tequila shots by pouring them over Charlie's ass got my attention. Pass the salt.
Vol. 15 starts with the now-clichéd but still arresting blowjob-on-the-driver-in-a-moving-car (which isn't so dangerous on a freeway: No cross traffic) while the troupe heads up to a mountain cabin. The menu includes drinking games, more g/g action than last time (having only two guys aboard may have compelled this), and a lot of sitting-to-orgasm on the jets of the Jacuzzi. The guys here are particularly likable: Good thing, because the envy factor for male viewers would be high otherwise. Nine scenes in varying stages of completeness.