Released | Dec 31st, 2000 |
Running Time | 82 |
Director | Ren Savant |
Company | Vivid Entertainment Group |
Cast | Wilde Oscar, Dasha (I), McKayla, Renee LaRue, Chennin Blanc, Michael J. Cox (2002) |
Critical Rating | Not Yet Rated |
Genre | Film |
Director Savant and his uncredited screenwriter have played mix 'n' match with a behind-the-scenes look at a production of Shakespeare and a hazy memory of Luis Buñuel's Le Charme Discret de la Bourgeoisie and cobbled up this pleasant bagatelle. Renee LaRue, in a pre-nom acting performance, plays the girl who would be Juliet juggling an affair with director Wilde Oscar, a complete lack of chemistry with Romeo Michael J. Cox, a chummy relationship with roomie and fellow actress Dasha and a recurring set of classic actors' nightmares. (I'm on stage, and I've forgotten my lines. And ohmigawd I'm naked.) Wilde Oscar is appropriately plummy as the oh-so-British director, and Michael J. Cox not only handles the Shakespeare dialogue well but also well conveys the vexed feeling of an actor who realizes that it just isn't working but can't put his finger on why in his scenes with LaRue. Mark him for a Supporting Actor pre-nom. Rest of performers are merely easily cable-excisable sex props.
Ralph Parfait offers usual first-rate lensing and five sex scenes (one a LaRue/Dasha g/g) add value for the fast-forward brigade.