Released | Aug 31st, 1988 |
Running Time | 94 |
Director | Irving Weiss |
Company | Vidway |
Cast | Lynn LeMay, Bunny Bleu, Ron Jeremy |
Critical Rating | AAA |
Genre | Feature |
Remember the old eight-page comics... "the kind men like?" A little thin on plot but lots of action? Sex Starved is much like that, featuring a woman (Porsche Lynn) searching for a Kissing Bandit (Ron Jeremy) who rocked and rolled her for eight hours one night until she passed out and found him gone when she woke up. Porsche searches, Bunny Bleu bangs away with Eric Dylan and Rocky DiLorenzo, Lynn LeMay does a sultry strip...and all this hot stuff in two rooms. Lynn finally finds Jeremy and we find out that despite the flubbed dialog, we're enjoying the sex, a few of the jokes and all the pretty women and their faceless appendages. Nice packaging.