Released | Mar 31st, 1996 |
Running Time | 110 |
Director | Gregory Dark |
Company | DarkWorld |
Distribution Company | Evil Angel |
Cast | Lennox, Melanie Anton, Nyrobi Knight, Caressa Savage, Nick East, Pausley Hunter, Chance Ryder, Michael J. Cox (2002), Kim Kataine, Missy (I), Stephanie Swift, Morgan Navarro, Kyle Stone (straight), Nici Sterling, Pauge Powers, Rick Masters, Toni TEST, Frank Towers, John Decker, Lovette, Tom Byron, Dave Hardman |
Critical Rating | Not Yet Rated |
Genre | Film |
A leering, slightly chubby pervert named Julio Midnight (Rip Hyman) carries a briefcase full of Barbie dolls, and when he comes upon any unsuspecting and undeniably fuckable young lady, he positions the dolls with lewd precision to mimic his obscene fantasies. Then, when the wave of his hand, the dirty dolls come to life in an infernal nightclub, where unseen deviates watch the now-imprisoned performers indulge in activities that can only be described as depraved beyond all sense of decency.
Thus begins Sex Freaks, Gregory Dark's first film under his new DarkWorks banner for Evil Angel Productions. Taking place in a venue called the Cavalcade of Perversions (John Waters had a similarly-named attraction in his brilliant early effort Multiple Maniacs), Dark's eerie and peculiarly captivating sense of style grabs the viewer simultaneously by the throat and groin, making for an uncompromising and unforgettably titillating adult film experience.
In the first segment, dark-skinned vixen Nyrobi Knight, playing the Party Girl, and slim, serpentine brunette Stephanie Swift, playing the Attorney Girl, are accosted by the deranged Mr. Midnight at a bus stop, and whisked along with a yellow-afro'd clown into the cum-stained sewer of the Cavalcade. The clown fucks Stephanie's pussy doggy-style whilst wearing a rubber, and after ejaculating into the condom, the clown drips his silly spunk into Stephanie's waiting mouth, and she chews the soggy rubber with gleeful satisfaction. Nyrobi then opens her asshole for the horny clown, and Stephanie smiles into the camera as all three performers enter an eternity of sleazy manipulations, never to return again.
Paisley Hunter plays the trendy Art Girl, whose annoying affection for the avant-garde warrants prolonged punishment at the hands of Midnight and his corrupting crew. Paisley finds herself attacked by two giant male cockroaches, who buzz and hum Paisley's high heel shoes from her feet and then wildly lick her black nylon-clad toes. Paisley's black dice earrings dangle from her ears as the two flies position Paisley on all fours and then d.p. the poor girl into the unforgiving underworld of libertine oblivion.
An overwhelming welcome and a hearty handshake to the blonde fireball Lovette, who plays the Sweet Meat Girl. In her three eyebrow-raising scenes, she clearly leaves the ranks of starlet and becomes an undisputed star. Displaying the sort of bawdy bravado that porn legends are composed of, Lovette's greatest moment occurs when she orders her boyfriend to her ass, rolling her eyes and entering into a trance where she seems in danger of losing her sanity. As Midnight sits entranced, wearing politically incorrect black face makeup and holding a black Great Dane, Lovette rubs Twinkies into her tits and orgasms her way up from sexbomb caricature into a formidable ball-squeezing fuck sensation.
Gregory Dark's productions have often fallen under criticism for being too outrageous and far too cartoonish, and sometimes the offbeat nature of Dark's vision has led to images that were as disconcerting as they were erotic. In Sex Freaks, while the performers sometimes appear in less-than-conventional costumes, their genitalia always takes precedence over their puffery. Rest assured that these Sex Freaks are menacing, desirable, and as endearingly freaky as anything you're likely to see this year.