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Sex Crimes (Sintec Media Labs)

Sex Crimes (Sintec Media Labs)

Released Jan 31st, 2003
Running Time 90
Director Francois Clousot
Company Sintec Media Labs
Cast Julie Meadows, Gina Ryder, James Nono, Michael J. Cox (2002), Jessica Drake, Ian Daniels, Nicole (I), Dayton Raines
Critical Rating AA 1/2
Genre All-Sex



Stock as filler in your \"porn noir\" section, meaning detective porn. Start a section if you don\'t have one.


Okay, so first, is it Sex Crime or Sex Crimes? The title on the box says there's multiple, but the feature's opening sequence only suggests one, as does the plot.

The mix-up on the title pretty much sums up how half-baked this Clue with goo's plot pans out. The story and transitions are weak even by old-school porn standards. Unfortunately, much of the same can be said about the production.

But don't discount the video completely, there are a few genuine orgasms, especially Gina Ryder's scene and the climactic tumble between Jessica Drake and "Mr. Holly" (aka Evan Stone). They go into a sweaty flurry of fuck that would kill a lesser man. Too bad it's surrounded by mediocre scenes and genuinely bad segues.

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