Released | Apr 01st, 2001 |
Running Time | 84 |
Director | Masato Hironishi |
Company | Asia Pulp Cinema |
Cast | Noriko Hamada, Minori Teada, Miyuki Iijima, Noriko Hayami, Mikio Osawa |
Critical Rating | Not Yet Rated |
Genre | Alternative |
A master con man gets his just desserts here as his epic boudoir skills are put to the test when he tries to seduce and swindle an over-sexed heiress. Along the way we get lots of cheesy acting, bare Japanese titties and simulated sex.
As guilty a pleasure as one is likely to find in the "non-rated" section down at ye olde video emporium, this is unselfconscious myth-making devoted to the notion that somewhere, somehow, there is a man who can control the world's most beautiful women through the use of his dick.